
Getting funded using our 401k business funding plan is fast and easy. Since you can choose how much of your existing 401k you want to invest, our plan allows you to be in control, from start to finish. The plan can also be used in addition to other forms of funding, such as SBA loans, allowing you to diversify your investments. Even if you were denied a loan, you can still use our program if you have funds available in your 401k, IRA or other qualifying retirement account. The other advantages of using our program include:

  • You can purchase almost any legal business or franchise. Whatever your dream is, we can help you make it a reality, whether it is a business start-up, or the purchase of an existing business.
  • It is not a loan, but an investment. Our program allows you to start your business off debt-free.
  • You will not incur interest or have to make monthly loan payments. You will only be paying your retirement fund back, not a bank.
  • There are no tax-penalties. You will not be penalized for withdrawing from your retirement accounts since you are only rolling the funds into a new 401k.
  • You can get funded in as little as three weeks.
  • Our experienced professionals will walk you through every step of the funding process. We will give you all the necessary paperwork in the right order and make sure you are on the path to success.

Do you want to make your business goals come to life? Fill out our short form to start the process.

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